Are you fit ?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ankle Sprain Recovery

I experienced a pretty severe ankle sprain 13 days ago. I was demonstrating some single-leg plyometrics and landed incorrectly while hurdling a mini-hurdle on my left foot. The ankle inverted fully and returned to its normal position. However, the severe torque already caused its damage. Treatment for the next several days included: rest, elevation, ice to stabilize the swelling, heat to aid in blood flow, electrical stim for 20 minuites twice a day, ultrasound for 5 minutes daily, and Aleve and Advil for pan management. Always remember how vitally important the foot, ankle and knee are to normal daily activities!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Post: 10/10/10

Today is the Chicago Marathon! 26.2 miles is quite a distance. To think that several individuals can run this distance in just over 2 hours is a test to what the human body can achieve with proper training, genetics, nutrition, and heart. I salute all the dedicated runners on their quest to complete the race today.
